Only the advanced technical innovation can form technical barrier to avoid the competitors'speedy imitation, and then realize long-term monopoly profit. 只有具有超前性的技术创新,才能形成技术壁垒,以防止竞争对手的迅速模仿,从而获得较长时间的垄断利润。
The aim of corporation governance for natural monopoly industries is to construct efficient governance mechanism to ensure the profit demands of relevant parts. 内容提要自然垄断企业治理的目标是构建有效率的治理系统确保利益相关者的利益需求。
These suggest that, first, there is marked monopoly profit which is largely industry-owned, second, large firms possess X-inefficiency as the result of monopoly which affects the firms 'profit. 这表明,汽车产业存在明显的垄断利润,而且主要是产业所共有的垄断利润;由于垄断,大企业也产生X&低效率,进而对利润率产生负面的影响。
The strong natural monopoly industries are in a dilemma for pricing so that the regulator has to regulate their pricing to trade-off between firm profit and social welfare. 强自然垄断行业由于其定价方面的两难困境,需要规制者对其产品定价进行规制以在厂商利润与社会福利之间进行权衡。
The conclusions show that monopoly can always raise producer's profit while competition can always raise consumer's surplus when second degree price discrimination is enforced. 结果表明:实施二度价格歧视时,垄断总能提高生产者利润,而竞争总能提高消费者剩余。
Secondly, I answer the question why big enterprises in this industry cannot obtain monopoly profit by analyzing Chinese administration monopoly. 然后通过对民航业行业垄断属于行政垄断的分析,回答了为什么市场中的强势企业无法获得垄断利润的问题。
Then, using some economy methods, it elucidates that what the local governments chase for by land expropriation is not the monopoly profit but some other interests such as political achievements, rents and so on. 然后,用经济学的有关理论论证地方政府圈地追求的并不是一般意义上的垄断利润,而是其他一些利益。
However, patent strategy arranges property right on technology innovation's progeny, makes innovation enterprise taking monopoly right on side market in certain term, imples the most profit of technology innovation's enterprise. 而专利战略对技术创新成果予以产权安排,使创新企业在一定的期限内享有一方市场的独占权,实现创新企业利益最大化。
The term of Price Cartel means that two or two more business operators having competition relations unit to restrict market competition and obtain exorbitant monopoly profit by commonly fixing the price of merchandise or service directly or indirectly by means of contact, agreement and some other forms. 认为价格卡特尔是指两个或两个以上具有竞争关系的经营者,以合同、协议或其他方式,共同直接或间接固定商品或服务价格,以限制市场竞争,牟取超常垄断利润所实施的联合。
The monopoly profit was made from the channels because of industry control. 该渠道以前受到国家行业控制,呈现高额垄断利润。
The intangible capital has monopoly character, which brings monopoly profits for the capitalists, the nature of running after profits drives the capitalists to break through the confine of the countries, and take monopoly profit among the worldwide scope with the best tool of intangible capital. 无形资本具有垄断性,可以为所有者带来垄断利润,追求利润的动力驱使着资本所有者突破国家地域的限制,把无形资本作为目前在世界范围内获取垄断利润的最佳手段。
In our country, the infrastructure has been managed for a long time by national monopoly, the profit rates of products and service are very low, and it is very difficult to raise fund from the market. 在我国,长期以来基础设施项目由国家垄断经营,其产品和服务的盈利率很低,很难面向市场融资。
In the time of knowledge economy, oligarch monopoly induced by technological monopoly is happened in China market, but it's multinational corporations who take up the oligarch place and get the large profit. 知识经济时代由技术垄断强化的寡头垄断形式在我国也日益明显,但占据寡头地位、获取垄断利润的却是在华投资的跨国公司。
The results show that the complete competition market can not make the technology progress. When the market is under monopoly, the monopoly firms can do their best in technology progress for their monopoly profit. 研究结果表明:完全竞争不利于技术进步,完全垄断下企业为维持垄断地位有推进技术进步的动力;
Only when the firm possesses certain heterogeneous core knowledge and competence can it obtain monopoly position in the factor markets and gain super profit that exceeds the average profit. 企业只有具备某种异质性的核心知识和能力,这样才能拥有要素市场上的垄断地位,获得超过平均利润的超额利润。
In order to control the market, acquire monopoly profit, and avoid competition, enterprises have the motive of forming cartels. 企业为了控制市场,获得垄断利润,免除日复一日的竞争,有动机组建卡特尔。
The mathematical model proves that, as a pollution control policy, the reasons of induce-innovation effect of emission fees are that, the cost of pollution control is affect by pollution control policy and the monopoly profit and position of innovator is guaranteed by pollution control policy. 数理模型证明了,排污费等污染控制政策之所以具有引致创新作用,其原因在于污染控制政策对污染治理成本的影响,以及保障污染治理技术创新的垄断收益与技术创新厂商的垄断地位。
However, on the whole, the current evaluation method neglects dynamic efficiency; and is difficult to separate monopoly profits from the normal operating profit. 但是,总体上现有的评价方法对企业的动态效率关注不够;难以将企业的垄断利润和正常的经营利润进行区分。
Firstly, the monopoly position of the state-owned industries let them have the possibility to earn higher monopoly profit. 首先,国有垄断行业的垄断地位使其能够获得高额的垄断利润。
In the part of monopoly model, this paper attempts to build a monopoly model and work out the optimal level of quality and price structure under the condition of profit maximization in two-sided markets by introducing the quality index in form of price verse performance ratio. 在垄断模型部分,本文通过性价比形式引入质量指数,建立考虑平台质量的垄断模型,求解出平台利润最大化条件下最优质量水平和价格结构。
Recently people to electric power staff high salary are whether reasonable, whether the monopoly welfare does corrode the profit and so on to launch the widespread intense discussion. 最近社会对电力职工高薪是否合理,垄断福利是否侵蚀利润等展开广泛激烈讨论。
During oligarchic monopoly structure, the oligarchic monopoly enterprises can offer more products with lower prices to achieve the profit accumulation. 寡头垄断市场结构下,寡头垄断企业可以以更低的价格生产更多的产品,从而实现利润的积累,提高企业的竞争力。
Lured by monopoly profit, the conspiracy activities among enterprises will surpass national boundaries. 在垄断利润的诱惑下,企业之间的合谋行为会超越国界。
With its special monopoly rights, intangible assets bring the excess profit to the enterprise, and convert it to the contribution of company value. 无形资产以其特殊的垄断权利,为企业带来超额收益,并将收益转变为对企业价值的贡献。
In the context of economic globalization, the function and strategic position of technical standard have become increasingly prominent. Standard competition is an important means for developed countries and their enterprises to keep their monopoly status on technology and excess profit. 在当前经济全球化的大背景下,技术标准的作用和战略地位日益突出,标准竞争更是成为发达国家及企业保持其技术垄断地位和超额利润的重要手段。
Monopoly enterprises capture the monopoly profit through controlling the market price with monopolistic output, Consumer has to pay more before the optimal output. 垄断企业往往利用垄断地位通过限制产量,从而控制和操纵市场价格,获取高额垄断利润。而当社会最优产出需求没有得到满足以前,消费者面对垄断企业只有付出更多的代价。
Monopoly will not necessarily cut down production and increase monopolized price to make monopolized profit. This case is very different from traditional industries. 垄断厂商并不一定是以降低产量、提高垄断价格的行为获得垄断利润,这与传统产业存在明显的不同。
At the beginning period of the industry monopoly, brokers reaped high profit, formed marketing and sales team under competitive pressures later on, and fully participated the current market competition. 从初期的行业垄断经营,券商坐享高额利润,后到迫于竞争压力开始尝试组建营销团队,再到现在的全方位积极参与市场竞争。
Strategy management is the core competitiveness of the enterprises monopoly, in strategy management, enterprise through innovation, for market opportunities, and get enterprise excess profit. 战略管理的核心是企业的竞争力垄断,在战略管理下,企业通过创新,占得市场先机,获得企业超额利润。